Ayurveda & Yoga -
Sciences of self-realisation and self-healing
"Life is a combination of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul.
Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial for humans both in this world and the world beyond."
( Caraka Samhita )
Ayurveda and Yoga are closely related spiritual sciences rooting in the tradition Indian Vedic.
Both Ayurveda and Yoga look to the whole human being, to it´s body, mind and soul.
Dhanvantari is the god of healing
in the Hindu faith.
He is said to have emerged from the Milky Ocean, a primordial sea, as the doctor of the gods. He is the tutelary god of Ayurveda.
What´s your Prakruti?
In Ayurveda, the individual constitution of a human being is described as it´s prakruti, it´s nature, it´s genetic disposition. The more you get to know your true nature, the better you will be able to live a truly authentic life - a life that suits you and allows your health to thrive.
Take the self-test to find out your dosha...
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